Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 1
COLLECTION:    Literature Teaching Techniques

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Svetlana Grigor’evna Ryabova
Irkutsk State University

Submitted: January 10, 2019
Abstract. The content of the article is aimed at proving the thesis that a work of fiction, which is analysed from the axiological point of view, is holistic space where parts of the ontological paradigm (human world - language - culture - the national) are realized depending on the author’s values. The novelty of the research is in an attempt to comprehend I. A. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arseniev” as a complex semantic field, in which the author’s value attitudes to the nature-object world and the imaginative nature forming in it are combined. The proposed view on the novel will be of interest to the specialists working with the foreign audience.
Key words and phrases:
иноязычное образование
углублённое чтение и комментирование
методика анализа художественного произведения
аксиологический подход
ценностная картина мира
ценностная мотивация студента-инофона
роман И. А. Бунина «Жизнь Арсеньева»
foreign-language education
in-depth reading and commenting
methods of analysing a work of fiction
axiological approach
value worldview
foreign student’s value motivation
I. A. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arseniev”
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