Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Language Teaching Techniques

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Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Malinin
Moscow State University of Education

Submitted: February 10, 2019
Abstract. The author studies the Russian and foreign experience of using massive open online courses in foreign language teaching in order to identify the practical opportunities of their application in the higher education system. Due to the importance of the subject “Foreign Language for Special Purposes” and the lack of educational materials for students of various specialities, teachers are increasingly turning to open online courses. This practice raises the question of how to work with them, so the article deals with the potential of applying content and language integrated learning in group work with such courses. The author also studies the possibility of integrating online language courses in the formal education system, since students with the low level of foreign language skills can use them to increase their competence.
Key words and phrases:
массовые открытые онлайн-курсы
иностранный язык для специальных целей
технология смешанного обучения
предметно-языковое интегрированное обучение
неязыковые факультеты
massive open online courses
foreign language for special purposes
blended learning technology
content and language integrated learning
non-linguistic departments
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