Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 5
COLLECTION:    Russian Literature

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Mikhail Kimovich Chireikin
Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

Submitted: May 13, 2019
Abstract. In this article, by the example of such little-studied genres of business writing as written answers, inventories, petitions and written stories by the Siberian explorers, certain elements of the XVII-century essay literature are studied in order to reveal the aesthetic potential of the archival document. Written stories and answers are presented in the article as a kind of tools that contribute to the deeper diachronic analysis of a historical text. It is concluded that the considered historical material allows highlighting the events that are distant not only from us, but also from the authors of these texts, and comprehending the medieval society’s worldview and motivation of actions.
Key words and phrases:
деловая письменность
«скаски» сибирских землепроходцев
трансформация жанра
семиотические средства
русская литература XVII столетия
история Сибири
business writing
written stories by the Siberian explorers
genre transformation
semiotic means
XVII-century Russian literature
history of Siberia
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