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Elena Vladimirovna Suvorova
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
May 13, 2019
Lack of research devoted to the study of the extra-linguistic content of conclusive knowledge in discourse perception has determined the main theme and objectives of the article that is to study the inclusion of such anthropocentric data (factors indirectly affecting text perception and further inference) as space, time, heat/cold, light/shadow, dynamics/statics in inferences that accompany discourse perception. As the results of the study have shown, inference is a dynamic, changeable, ecological cognitive process, which includes not only the processing of the semantic content of the language units of an utterance, but also living knowledge derived from interaction with the environment.
Key words and phrases:
антропоцентрический принцип
нарративный дискурс
anthropocentric principle
narrative discourse
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