Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Theory of Language

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Ruslan Gadzhimuradovich Kadimov
Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Submitted: November 29, 2019
Abstract. The article considers the ontological essence of poetry. The problem is examined taking into account the specificity of “poetical material” - a language. All language levels are interrelated and the actualization of one particular word evokes associations to other words, which are perceived as “proposals” of a language to formulate a thought. The author comes to the conclusion that poetic forms serve to launch the process of language self-expression, which imparts its own logic to the text and endows it with valuable content accumulated over centuries and revealing the depth of human existence. That is what we call poetry.
Key words and phrases:
определение поэзии
семантическая структура
самовыражение языка
definition of poetry
semantic structure
self-expression of language
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