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Tradition of Civil Servant Representation in the Chinese Literature and Its Reinterpretation in the XX Century (by the Material of Zeng Pu’s Novel “A Flower in a Sinful Sea” and Chang Eileen’s Autobiographical Essays)
Irina Aleksandrovna Moshchenko
A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
January 31, 2020
The article is devoted to reinterpreting the traditional image of the Chinese civil servant in the XX-century literature. The paper describes evolution from the Confucian ideal through satire of the XVIII century and psychologism of the beginning of the XX century towards ironic, sympathetic or antagonistic attitude to the ruling elite representatives. The author traces how at the beginning and in the middle of the XX century, the Chinese people came to recognition of a human’s helplessness, even if he belongs to power circles, in the face of historical perturbations and collapse of the traditional Chinese value system.
Key words and phrases:
Чжан Айлин
Цзэн Пу
автобиографические эссе
образ китайского чиновника
шанхайская литература
китайская литература 40-х годов
Chang Eileen
Zeng Pu
autobiographical essays
image of Chinese civil servant
Shanghai literature
Chinese literature of the 1940s
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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