Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Foreign Literature

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Demystification of “Woman Myth” in Early Plays by Elfriede Jelinek

Elena Aleksandrovna Pridorogina
Saint Petersburg University

Submitted: March 31, 2020
Abstract. The article analyses two plays of the modern Austrian prose-writer, essayist and dramatist Elfriede Jelinek (1946). By the example of the two chosen plays the paper examines the gender relations problem, which acquired the features of the gender opposition of “male” and “female” in the writer’s creative work. It is shown that, using borrowed stories and artistic exaggeration techniques, the author reveals absurdity of stereotype everyday consciousness and destroys everyday myths attracting public attention to problems of the modern society.
Key words and phrases:
гендерный стереотип
разрушение мифа
миф о женщине
женские образы
Elfriede Jelinek
gender stereotype
myth destruction
woman myth
female images
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