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Functioning and Referential Peculiarities of Tense Forms with the Systemic Semantics of Imperfect in the Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Languages (by the Example of the English, French and Russian Languages)
Dar'ya Aleksandrovna Demidkina
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Irina Vladimirovna Marzoeva
Kazan State Power Engineering University
May 29, 2020
The article provides a comparative-typological analysis of Imperfect tense forms functioning in the English, Russian and French languages. The research objective includes analysing temporal and referential peculiarities of the mentioned tense forms from the viewpoint of their text functioning. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that Imperfect tense forms are analysed in wide functional context. The findings indicate that Imperfect tense forms, possessing the systemic meaning of quantitative temporality, manifest referential peculiarities in macro-context, express qualitative temporality in their secondary function and can perform the function of neutralization and transposition.
Key words and phrases:
количественная темпоральность
качественно-количественная темпоральность
референциальная точка
тонкальная одновременность
тонкальное предшествование
сложноорганизованное событие
quantitative temporality
qualitative-quantitative temporality
referential point
tunc synchronicity
tunc precedence
event of complicated structure
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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