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Liturgical Motifs in V. V. Mayakovsky’s Poem “The Man”
Kseniya Sergeevna Naumenko
Moscow State Pedagogical University
June 26, 2020
The study aims to determine the meaning and function of liturgical motifs and Christian allusions in V. Mayakovsky’s poem “The Man”. The article analyses motifs and images of the Christian culture, which reflect the lyrical self and are typical of V. Mayakovsky’s works. It is found that these motifs represent the poet’s vision of a man’s destiny, which allows for the persona’s nuanced individualisation. The study is novel in that it considers motifs and allusions irrespectively of the poet’s ideology and personal religious views, from the standpoint of continuing the artistic literary tradition of the XIX century. The attained results have shown that the Christian allusions and liturgical motifs help to understand the persona and the author’s point of view: he portrays a man who will be able to become Christlike.
Key words and phrases:
В. В. Маяковский
богослужебные мотивы
христианские аллюзии
лирический герой
поэма «Человек»
христианская культура
V. V. Mayakovsky
liturgical motifs
Christian allusions
poem “The Man”
Christian culture
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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