Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 7
COLLECTION:    Foreign Literature

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Comparative Analysis of Artistic Specificity of Animalistic Fairy-Tales (by the Material of the British and Russian Fairy-Tales)

Ol'ga Arsenovna Egorova
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted: July 15, 2020
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to provide an insight into artistic originality of the British and Russian animalistic fairy-tales. Specificities of this type of fairy-tales are reflected in composition techniques, original plots and images, use of particular linguistic means. Scientific novelty of the research lies in conducting a comparative analysis of the animalistic fairy-tale genre within two folklore traditions. It has been found that composition of the British and Russian animalistic fairy-tales is based on repetition, which helps to convey the main idea of a folklore work. Plots of the British fairy-tales deal with various moral aspects of life, reflect nationally accepted notions of moral and ethical standards and principles. The Russian animalistic fairy-tales, apart from addressing didactic problems, highlight social issues, especially those related to unfair legal proceedings.
Key words and phrases:
русские сказки о животных
британские сказки о животных
композиция сказок
сказочные сюжеты
сказочные персонажи
Russian animalistic fairy-tales
British animalistic fairy-tales
composition of fairy-tales
fairy-tale plots
fairy-tale characters
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