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Functional Potential of Intertextuality in the Contemporary English-Language Fairy-Tales
Alla Olegovna Tananykhina
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Irina Olegovna Kozinets
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
July 15, 2020
The study aims to determine functional capabilities of the intertextuality text category using the material of the modern English-language fairy-tales. Autointertextuality is mentioned and examples of this phenomenon present in the author’s fairy-tale texts are given. Scientific novelty of the research lies in collecting new data on functioning of the intertextuality category and describing new patterns in using functionality of the intertextuality category by the authors. It has been found that the use of intertextual relations in the modern English-language fairy-tales contributes to realisation of such author’s intentions as creating a comic effect, adding factuality to a narrative, organising a chronotope, developing a plot, characterisation and setting.
Key words and phrases:
межтекстовые связи
развитие сюжета
комический эффект
характеристика персонажа
intertextual relations
plot development
comic effect
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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