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Metaphor as Pedagogical Discourse Construct (by the Material of the English Language)
Nadezhda Mayerovna Perelgut
Nizhnevartovsk State University
Anastasiya Vladimirovna Yanovskaya
Secondary School № 13, Nizhnevartovsk
July 15, 2020
The article is devoted to studying metaphors in pedagogical discourse, which are considered from the cognitive standpoint. The research aims to determine patterns of metaphorisation in describing education process centred on a child. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents a layered classification of metaphors: a child and their qualities, family interaction, close social circle and wider ones. As a result, metaphorisation mechanisms at different levels are analysed, denotative and connotative components of a metaphor are identified. Frequency and nomenclature of metaphors testify to the importance of family in education process.
Key words and phrases:
когнитивная метафора
метафорическая модель
концептуальная основа
педагогический дискурс
сфера источника
сфера цели
cognitive metaphor
metaphorical model
conceptual ground
pedagogical discourse
source domain
target domain
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