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Types and Subtypes of Perceptive Components of Phraseological Images
Artem Alekseevich Darikov
Bryansk State Academician I. G. Petrovski University
September 30, 2020
The paper aims to identify the basic metaphorical models of phraseological units with a perceptive component. The emphasis is made on metaphorical reinterpretation. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the perceptive component of a phraseological image formed as a result of metaphorical transfer has not been previously investigated from the viewpoint of forming a feature-based and verbal image. The findings indicate that the perceptive component of a phraseological image is formed on the basis of two types of perceptions: 1) a person’s actual state and 2) a person’s activity.
Key words and phrases:
фразеологический образ
перцептивный компонент
компонентный состав
глагольное построение
phraseological image
perceptive component
component structure
verbal image formation
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