Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 12
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Specifics of Translating Onyms in “Topography of Orenburg” by P. I. Rychkov

Elena Damirovna Andreeva
Orenburg State University

Sofia Vadimovna Ruzanova
Orenburg State University

Submitted: December 30, 2020
Abstract. The study aims to identify the most optimal strategies of translating archaic onyms in P. I. Rychkov’s “Topography of Orenburg”. The article analyses their contextual content and difficulties of their translation into the modern English language from the position of preserving stylistic markedness and simultaneous accessibility to translation receivers. Scientific novelty lies in the research subject: P. I. Rychkov’s “Topography” is for the first time considered from the standpoint of linguistics and translation studies. As a result, it was found that typical methods of translating onyms cannot be always applied to translate archaic units, there has to be a unique complex strategy for each unit, which takes into account broad cultural context.
Key words and phrases:
«Топография Оренбургская» П. И. Рычкова
стратегия перевода
прием перевода
“Topography of Orenburg” by P. I. Rychkov
translation strategy
translation technique
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