Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Russian Literature

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Portrait as Literary Phenomenon in M. V. Nesterov’s Memoirs “My Bygone Days” (by the Example of the Portrait “I. P. Pavlov”)

Margarita Vladimirovna Olyunina
Moscow State Pedagogical University

Submitted: February 26, 2021
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to determine significance and function of a verbal portrait in M. V. Nesterov’s memoirs “My Bygone Days” using a particular representative sketch “I. P. Pavlov” as an example. It is proved that a verbal portrait is an essential means of depicting a character in the studied work, which contributes to understanding of the artist’s style. Scientific novelty of the research lies in considering a verbal portrait in the painter’s prose as a predominant way of depicting characters. The attained results have shown that depiction of characters through a verbal portrait also helps the author to express his own persona, reflect the age in which he lived and worked.
Key words and phrases:
словесный портрет
литературный портрет
синтез жанров
взаимодействие искусств
verbal portrait
literary portrait
synthesis of genres
interaction of arts
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