Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Comparative Historical, Typological and Contrastive Linguistics

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Theory of Empathy in Analysing Discourse (by the Material of the English and French Languages)

Marina Sergeevna Sheveleva
Pyatigorsk State University

Submitted: February 26, 2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate relevance of the theory of empathy in determining pragmasemantics of intersubjective communication, using dialogic and monologic speech of everyday and literary discourses as an example. The article provides a critical insight into development stages of the theory of empathy and its integration into the analytical apparatus of linguistics. The phenomenon of first-order and second-order empathy is described. Scientific novelty of the work lies in developing models of conceptualisation and pragmasemantic interpretation of discourse fragments, taking into account the factor of first-order and second-order empathy. As a result, the researcher has proved usefulness of including the component “listener” in the conceptual structure of dialogic and super-phrasal unities of the English and French texts, since such an approach allows revealing deep mechanisms that motivate their semantic representation and pragmatic modality.
Key words and phrases:
первичная/вторичная эмпатия
интерсубъектная коммуникация
концептуализатор «говорящий»/«слушающий»
first-order/second-order empathy
intersubjective communication
conceptualiser “speaker/listener”
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