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Multicultural and Post-Colonial Problematics in the Novel “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman
Anna Aleksandrovna Ilunina
Voronezh State Forestry Engineering University named after G. F. Morozov
April 30, 2021
The paper aims to discover specificity of multicultural and post-colonial problematics realization in the novel “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the notions “cultural hybridity” and “cultural mimicry” introduced by the American researcher H. Bhabha are for the first time applied to analyse Gaiman’s novel. The following conclusions are justified: within the urban fantasy genre, the writer, referring to mythological and literary pretexts, metaphorically implements the conception of transformation (often forcible) of national and social identify of migrants and natives, describes the process of hybrid identity formation through cultural mimicry.
Key words and phrases:
Н. Гейман
N. Gaiman
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