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Markers of Reducing Epistemic Responsibility in German Popular Science Discourse: Lexical-Syntactic Level
Alena Ivanovna Chepurnaya
Stavropol State Agrarian University
May 31, 2021
The research aims to characterise lexical and syntactic markers of reducing epistemic responsibi¬lity in German popular science discourse. The article sheds light on the content of the concept of episte-mic responsibility and analyses lexical and syntactic markers of its reduction. Scientific novelty
of the research lies in describing linguistic markers of reducing epistemic responsibility in the discourse
of the popular science genre. As a result, it is shown that the main lexical and syntactic means of reducing epistemic responsibility in the studied material are epistemic adverbs, constructions with putative verbs, modal verbs and the two-part conjunction entweder… oder.
Key words and phrases:
научно-популярный дискурс
эпистемическая модальность
эпистемическая ответственность
popular science discourse
epistemic modality
epistemic responsibility
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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