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Fictive Interaction Phenomenon in Social Advertising Discourse
Natalia Vadimovna Alekseenko
Moscow State Linguistic University
June 30, 2021
The paper aims to reveal specificity of fictive interaction in social advertising discourse. It is shown that fictive interaction presupposes description of non-human objects in terms of verbal communication. Scientific originality of the research involves clarifying essence of fictive interaction as a cognitive-discursive phenomenon which represents itself in multi-modal discourse by using linguistic and visual means. As a result, it is proved that the phenomenon under study is based on interrelated cognitive mechanisms of perspectivization and conceptual integration. In multi-modal social advertising discourse, these mechanisms are actualized by verbal and nonverbal means.
Key words and phrases:
фиктивная коммуникация
концептуальная интеграция
бленд фиктивной коммуникации
полимодальный дискурс
fictive interaction
conceptual integration
fictive interaction blend
multi-modal discourse
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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