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Artistic World of Bakhtiyar Mirzanov’s Poems
Leysan Radifovna Nadyrshina
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan
Gulchira Makhmutovna Khannanova
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan
July 30, 2021
The study aims to determine features of reproduction of various world models in poems by Bakhtiyar Mirzanov, one of the representatives of the early-XX-century Tatar poetry. The article considers the poet’s works in cultural-historical and historical-literary contexts, examines various artistic paradigms influence on the genre poetics. The paper is novel in that it is the first to identify types of world models typical of Bakhtiyar Mirzanov’s poems, within which the images and motifs common to the poet’s entire lyrico-epic creative work are identified. As a result, it is proved that Bakhtiyar Mirzanov’s poems reflect the artistic trends that characterise the literary movement of the era, in which various trends are found, romantic and modernist in particular.
Key words and phrases:
Бахтияр Мирзанов
татарская поэзия
художественная парадигма
Bakhtiyar Mirzanov
Tatar poetry
artistic paradigm
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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