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Politeness Strategies in British and Persian Family Discourse: Forms of Addressing
Kameh Khosh Neda
People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
July 30, 2021
The aim of the study is defining the similarities and differences of politeness norms and politeness strategies of addressing in British and Persian family and illustrating them through cultural distinctions. The scientific novelty of the study lies in our analysis of addressing speech act in British and Persian family setting with concentrating on (im)politeness theory, speech act theory, cross-cultural pragmatic and discourse analysis, research on identity construction, and the effect of politeness on communicative styles. Our findings reveal that in British culture, the politeness strategies are egalitarian in asymmetrical top-down (parents to children) and bottom-up (children to parents) contexts. Meanwhile, in Persian culture, due to an expanded index of power distance, there are notable differences in these contexts.
Key words and phrases:
addressing forms
communicative styles
interpersonal interaction
family setting
стратегии вежливости/невежливости
формы обращения
коммуникативные стили
межличностная коммуникация
семейная обстановка
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