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Intentional Vocabulary and Its Role in Describing the Image of Will Freeman, Character of Nick Hornby’s Novel “About a Boy”
Pavel Andreevich Kovalev
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
September 15, 2021
The purpose of the study is to determine the role and significance of intentional vocabulary in creating the image of a character in a modern British novel, using the main character of N. Hornby’s book “About a Boy” as an example. As a part of the study, the most frequent intentional lexical units representing the character were analysed, their interrelation and mutual influence were ascertained. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the researcher formulated the definition of intentional vocabulary, as well as identified its varieties: core and peripheral intentional vocabulary. As a result, it has been proved that intentional vocabulary has a direct connection with creation of the protagonist’s image, helping a reader to get a better understanding of his psychological type, in this case through such components as high, neutral intensity of intention and its negative evaluation.
Key words and phrases:
интенсивность интенции
ядерная лексика
периферийная лексика
intensity of intention
core vocabulary
peripheral vocabulary
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