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The Terms “Multimodality” and “Visual Linguistics” in H. Stöckl‘s Works
Olesya Mironovna Kunitsyna
Moscow State Linguistic University
September 30, 2021
The research objectives are as follows: to reveal H. Stöckl‘s understanding of the terms “multimodality” and “multimodal competence”, to popularize visual linguistics as a scientific trend. The author analyses the existing interpretations of the notion “multimodality”, relying on H. Stöckl‘s works clarifies the subject and problematics of visual linguistics, identifies its place among linguistic disciplines devoted to multimodal text, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The findings indicate that multimodality is an inherent feature of communication process, image is considered as a key element influencing the modeling and perception of multimodal texts. Visual linguistics is a relatively new branch of linguistic science focused on analysing non-homogenous texts containing verbal and static visual components.
Key words and phrases:
визуальная лингвистика
мультимодальная компетенция
visual linguistics
multimodal competence
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