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Issues of Terminology Translation and Harmonisation in the Field of Agriculture in Russia and Abroad by the Example of the Term “no-till”
Natal'ya Evgen'evna Lysenko
Orel State Agrarian University
September 30, 2021
The purpose of the study is to clarify the definition and determine the degree of terminological synonymy of agronomic terms which are conditioned by different approaches in agriculture, using the American term “no-till” and the Russian term «прямой посев» (‘direct seeding’) as examples. The research is carried out on the basis of the material of glossaries and news reviews found on websites of agricultural organisations and the portal eLIBRARY. Scientific novelty of the work is determined by a comparative-contrastive approach, from the standpoint of which a linguistic, statistical and conceptual analysis of the definitions of these terms are conducted, the degree of their synonymy and frequency are identified. As a result, it has been found that Russian agronomic terminology and the American one have common features inherent in this knowledge area.
Key words and phrases:
гармонизация терминологии
terminology harmonisation
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