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The Features of Neologization during the Pandemic in the German Language
Irina Borisovna Akkuratova
Moscow State Linguistic University
October 29, 2021
The aim of the study is to determine the derivational patterns and features of neologisms formation in the German language during the Covid-19 pandemic. The article substantiates the notion of “neologism” and considers (along with the most productive way of word formation in the German language - word composition) word-creation mechanisms typical of neologisms formation in the studied period: contraction (contamination, abbreviation, syllable blending), tracing of lexemes from the English language, mixed tracing, metaphorization, borrowing, meaning extension. The scientific originality lies in the fact that modern neologisms are systematized from the viewpoint of linguo-cognitive, as well as system-word-formation capabilities of the language. As a result of the study, it has been proved that the qualitative composition of neologisms changes both at the lexical-semantic and at the graphic level.
Key words and phrases:
word formation
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- Neuer Wortschatz rund um die Coronapandemie. 2021. URL: