Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Argumentative Markers in the English-Language Scientific Humanitarian and Natural Scientific Discourse

Mariya Yur'evna Nekrasova
Sevastopol State University

Svetlana Sergeevna Mirontseva
Sevastopol State University

Valeriya Aleksandrovna Baiko
Sevastopol State University

Submitted: November 30, 2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to identify the types of argumentative markers in the English-language scientific humanitarian and natural scientific discourse, to reveal the specificity of their realization. Scientific originality of the study is conditioned by the fact that the authors for the first time examine argumentative markers-function words typical for English-language scientific discourse. The paper provides a comparative analysis of argumentative markers functioning in natural scientific and scientific humanitarian discourse. The conducted research allows identifying the most frequent types of argumentative markers: clarification, conclusion, justification, objection, example. It is shown that in natural scientific and scientific humanitarian discourse argumentative markers mostly perform commenting, informative, indicative and organizational functions, which is explained by the specificity of discourse under study.
Key words and phrases:
маркеры аргументации
типы маркеров
научный дискурс
языковые единицы
argumentative markers
types of markers
scientific discourse
linguistic units
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