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Linguocultural Features of Toponyms of the Western Regions 西域 from the Historical Perspective
Anastasiya Gennadievna Lyulina
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS, Moscow
November 30, 2021
The study aims to determine the specificity and factors accounting for changes in the translation of toponyms of the Western Regions (Xiyu, modern Xinjiang) into Chinese, taking into consideration the area’s historic position and its linguocultural landscape in different periods. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study is based on the original historical maps of China and toponymic dictionaries that have not been used in other works; the historical-comparative approach made it possible to identify patterns of the changes in the translation of toponyms in different historical periods. As a result, the author has identified a number of linguocultural features of Xiyu hydronyms and oikonyms, has carried out a comparative analysis of their translation into Chinese and has determined the main factors accounting for the changes.
Key words and phrases:
топонимы Сиюй
лингвокультурная картина
Xiyu toponyms
linguocultural landscape
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