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Annual Reports of Banking Institutions: Structure, Pragmatics and Linguistic Features
Alexander Vladimirovich Drozhashchikh
Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Tyumen
December 28, 2021
The paper aims to identify the pragmatic and structural-linguistic features of the annual report genre which is widespread in the modern banking communications. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it considers the texts of the “annual report” genre at the interface of language and culture interaction involving Russian-language empirical data for the first time in Russian linguistics. As a result, the place of the annual reports in the space of banking discourse has been identified, the national and cultural specificity of Russian-language annual reports has been revealed, the standard structural model of the texts which belong to the genre under consideration has been presented, and also the multiplicity of the communicative-pragmatic nature of annual reports of banking establishments has been shown and the language means of its realization have been described.
Key words and phrases:
тексты жанра «годовой отчет»
банковский дискурс
композиционные особенности
лексико-грамматическая аранжировка
texts of “annual report” genre
bank discourse
compositional features
lexical-grammatical arrangement
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