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“The Society of the Spectacle” in Muriel Spark’s Story “The Public Image”
Iuliia Vladimirovna Chernova
Moscow State Linguistic University; Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Belyakov
Moscow State Linguistic University
December 28, 2021
The paper aims to identify the artistic originality of Muriel Spark’s story “The Public Image”. The scientific originality of the research is connected to the fact that the attention of literary critics at all times was turned to the novels of the English writer, while her small prose was ignored. It is necessary to investigate the principle of theatricality in Muriel Spark’s story “The Public Image”. The results have shown that in the work, there is a unity of epic and dramatic beginnings with the high prevalence of the latter: significant attention is paid to the gestures, the position of the characters in space, the plastics of the image, but dramatization has farcical nature, the objective physical world is pictured plastically and visibly, which creates the theatricality effect, the illusion of stage.
Key words and phrases:
Мюриэл Спарк
повесть «На публику»
Muriel Spark
story “The Public Image”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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