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Morphological Analytical Construction with the Verb Get in Modern English
Natal’ya Vladimirovna Shershukova
Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
December 28, 2021
The aim of the study is to analyse the functioning of morphological analytical constructions of passive voice in modern English. The paper considers the gradual change in morphological status of analytical constructions with the verb get. Scientific originality of the paper lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of grammaticalisation dynamics characterising the get + Past Participle structure over the period from the XVIII to the XX century and in identifying stages of its development in British and American English. As a result, the researcher has proved that at different stages of its development the construction is characterised by different lexical valence and asymmetric distribution of grammatical and lexical meanings. The paper presents the development of the get + Past Participle construction as a three-stage grammaticalisation model.
Key words and phrases:
морфологическая аналитическая конструкция
страдательный залог
morphological analytical construction
passive voice
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