Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 12
COLLECTION:    Foreign Literature

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Genre of Encyclopedia in Sociocultural Context of the 500-1250s (Origins, Stages of Development)

Svetlana Anatolievna Gerasimova
Moscow City University

Submitted: December 28, 2021
Abstract. The paper aims to analyze the origins of the genre of encyclopedia as a literary and cultural phenomenon which has its own historical background. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it analyzes the development of encyclopedia as a popular science literature genre, its transformation from the systematic presentation of knowledge to the alphabetic organization of articles. Encyclopedists, being the compilers of knowledge of the period under consideration, created reference works, first of all, as educational sources. As a result, the study presents the stages of encyclopedism development from the first ancient encyclopedic works to the medieval systematic encyclopedias which served as training manuals for the students of comprehensive university faculties.
Key words and phrases:
научно-популярная литература
педагогическая практика западного Средневековья
popular science literature
pedagogical practice of Medieval West
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