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Cultural-Historical Chronotope in D. I. Stakheyev’s Discourse
Evgeniya Leonidovna Pupysheva
Yelabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
December 28, 2021
The research objectives are as follows: to reveal the specificity of cultural-historical chronotope in D. I. Stakheyev’s discourse by the material of the travelling essay “Behind Baikal and on the Amur River”, to identify the appropriate linguistic means. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of D. I. Stakheyev’s chronotope with its basic component “road”. The road chronotope allows the narrator to create an accurate representation of the spatial-temporal events he witnessed. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that creative work of the distinctive XIX-century writer is for the first time analyzed from the viewpoint of representation of the Far Eastern cultures and economic events of the mentioned period. The research findings are as follows: the author reveals the structure and content of the cultural-historical chronotope taking into account the peculiarities of the travelling essay genre, identifies text fragments containing spatial-temporal information, singles out lexical expressive means (toponyms, dialectal words) contributing to historical colour formation.
Key words and phrases:
культурно-исторический хронотоп
хронотоп дороги
Д. И. Стахеев
путевой очерк
cultural-historical chronotope
road chronotope
D. I. Stakheyev
travelling essay
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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