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Study of Rhythmic Organization of Modern News Radio Text (by the Material of Texts from Public Russian Radio Stations)
Feifei Liu
Beijing International Studies University
Qian Gao
Beijing International Studies University
Victoria Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
St. Petersburg University
February 28, 2022
The aim of the study is to determine the principles and features of the rhythmic organization of the modern news radio text. The article considers the materials of texts from public Russian radio stations and shows that the rhythmic structure of radio news has important connections with the frequency of phrases and the content of the texts. The scientific originality of the work lies in the determination of the super-segment status of the rhythm-forming units of radio texts with the dynamic approach to the study of rhythm. The results obtained have shown that the main principle of creating radio news is the principle of symmetry. It is ascertained that rhythmic structures organize semantic accents in the text of radio news.
Key words and phrases:
ритмическая организация
динамический подход
rhythmic organization
radio text
dynamic approach
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