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Overcoming Interference Difficulties When Teaching Russian Pronunciation to Mongolian Students on the Basis of a Communicative Approach
Elena Vladimirovna Filippova
State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow
April 29, 2022
The purpose of the study is to develop and describe a model for teaching Russian pronunciation to Mongolian students taking into account interference difficulties in the context of a communicative approach. Main attention is paid to an array of techniques aimed at adapting the speech apparatus to the pronunciation of Russian sounds, words, utterances in relation to the phonetic features of the mother tongue and at developing articulatory-auditory skills in appropriate communicative situations that are set using specially selected texts. The paper describes the advisability of using certain techniques when working with foreigners. The study is novel in that it proposes a model for the formation of correct Russian pronunciation among Mongolian students on the basis of nationally oriented and communicative approaches, which helps to minimise the efforts and time spent during preparation and points the way to the pragmatics of an utterance as early as at a very low level of learning Russian. As a result of using the proposed model, the perceptual-motor structure of the Russian language is actualised in the minds of Mongolian students, articulatory skills are formed that can be used in speech in various communicative situations, self-control and self-correction skills are developed.
Key words and phrases:
обучение русскому произношению
слухопроизносительные навыки
интерференционные трудности
коммуникативный подход
национально-ориентированный подход
teaching Russian pronunciation
articulatory-auditory skills
interference difficulties
communicative approach
nationally oriented approach
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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