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Identification and Interpretation of Irony by Means of Emotive Markers of Secondary Empathy (by the Material of English and French Literary Discourse)
Marina Sergeevna Sheveleva
Pyatigorsk State University
April 29, 2022
The aim of the study is to establish a connection between second-order empathy and the emotive nature of ironic literary discourse in the aspect of comparing its linguistic expression among English- and French-speaking authors. The scientific novelty of the work lies in determining the principles of the interconnectedness of semantics and the associative background of emotive linguistic means of a literary text containing irony with the components of the event structure of secondary empathy. As a result, it has been established that emotivity explicates irony in the statements of discourse producers and is objectified through the names of emotions, emotionally charged language units and expressive syntax. Regardless of the linguistic embodiment and cultural background of literary discourse, the main emotional reason for irony is the contempt of the ironist for the event under discussion and its participants; however, the emotional colouring and direction of the ironic remark in English and French prose are differentiated.
Key words and phrases:
англоязычный/франкоязычный художественный дискурс
эмотивные маркеры
English/French literary discourse
emotive markers
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