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Features of the Term “Authority” Verbalization in Donald Trump’s Public Speeches: Semantics, Syntagmatics, Pragmatics
Olga Aleksandrovna Tsarkova
Samara State University of Social Science and Education
April 29, 2022
The idea of power plays a crucial role in political communication. This article discusses the verbalization of the notion of power expressed through the lexeme “authority”. The aim of the study is to identify the collocation and colligation features of the implementation of this term in political discourse, as well as the features of the tactical and strategic organization of speech associated with the verbalization of the analysed notion. The experimental material was the public speeches of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, in the period from 2017 till 2020. The scientific novelty of the study is due to an attempt to solve the problem of the comprehensive description of implementing the notion of power through the lexeme “authority”, which includes an analysis of collaborative, collocation features of use, as well as tactical and strategic organization of speech. As a result of the study, morphosyntactic and lexical-phraseological characteristics of using the term “authority” as a linguistic specification of the ontological concept POWER have been determined.
Key words and phrases:
политическая лингвистика
термин “authority”
political linguistics
concept POWER
term “authority”
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