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Globalization and Interdisciplinary Nature of English Oil and Gas Terms
Inga Al’fredovna Shuytseva
Omsk State Technical University
May 31, 2022
The study attempts to describe the impact of globalization on terminology and consider what consequences these processes can entail. The aim of the study is to confirm the replenishing of the oil and gas terminology with terms from various scientific and technical fields, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and others. Scientific originality lies in the search and analysis of terms borrowed from various spheres of knowledge entering the oil and gas terminology. The original sampling on the subject under consideration was made. This sampling presents for the first time terms borrowed into the oil and gas terminology, and the transformation of meanings of these terms during their transition to this terminology is considered. As a result, the paper describes exactly what changes occur in the semantics of terms borrowed from one area of knowledge to another. In the course of the study, borrowed terms were divided into three main categories; structural features of these terms were identified.
Key words and phrases:
английские термины
термины нефтегазовой промышленности
English terms
oil and gas industry terms
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