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Discursive Specificity of Modal and Evaluative Meanings Manifestation in Texts of Regulatory Legal Acts (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages)
Valentina Nikolaevna Shashkova
Lukyanov Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
July 29, 2022
The aim of the study is to ascertain a stable relationship between modal meanings, which are subject to regular updating in regulatory legal acts as a genre of legal discourse, and the specifics of their functioning. By the material of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure of the United States of America, modal and evaluative vocabulary is considered as a discursive marker of the texts of normative legal acts. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the types of modal and evaluative meanings as stable characteristics of normative legal acts. As a result of the study, those evaluative meanings have been identified that are typical of normative legal acts in the field of criminal procedure law: external service necessity, external usual deontic possibility, normative assessments, as well as intellectual assessments. The specificity of the semantic-syntactic compatibility of evaluative lexemes is manifested in the formation of text chains with names of event semantics.
Key words and phrases:
оценочная лексика
внешняя служебная необходимость
внешняя узуальная деонтическая возможность
нормативные оценки
интеллектуальные оценки
evaluative vocabulary
external service necessity
external usual deontic possibility
normative assessments
intellectual assessments
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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