Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 7
COLLECTION:    Russian Literature

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Tsar David’s Image Evolution in the Russian Poetry of the 17th-20th Centuries. Features of the Psalmist’s Image Perception by Russian Poets

Galina Alexandrovna Khimich
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Submitted: July 29, 2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to reveal the evolution of the tsar and psalmist David’s image over 350 years of the Russian poetry history. The article deals with authors’ appeal to different episodes of the psalmist’s biography and aspects of his character. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the work brings together poetic texts about David; for the first time, a detailed analysis of the historical transformation of the Tsar David’s image is carried out, which makes it possible to compare appeal to various facets of his biblical image with general trends in the development of national culture and social thought. As a result of the study, general, cross-cutting features of the psalmist’s image perception, typical of the Russian culture, have been determined, and four stages of the image evolution have been identified and characterized.
Key words and phrases:
русская литература
поэтические переложения псалмов
влияние Библии на русскую литературу
образ псалмопевца Давида
библия и литература
Russian literature
poetic expositions of psalms
Bible influence on Russian literature
psalmist David’s image
Bible and literature
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