Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 8
COLLECTION:    Theory of Language

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Style and Specificity of Stephen King’s Works Translation

Dmitry Alexandrovich Samarin
Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Submitted: August 31, 2022
Abstract. The article analyses the main features of Stephen King’s idiostyle and the peculiarities of his works translation into Russian. The aim of the study is to ascertain the key strategies for translating S. King’s discourse. The scientific novelty lies in the development of optimal algorithms for interpreting and translating S. King’s mystical and psychological prose. The discourse of novels, narratives and stories by the American author is multipolar, saturated with intertextual, historical and other cultural facts; taking into account these realia in translation provides the understanding of the situation and actions of the heroes of his works. As the results of the comparative analysis of S. King’s works translation models have shown, it is the principle of adequacy with the transformational techniques used to achieve it that is the main one for creating the most successful Russian-language versions of his works.
Key words and phrases:
Стивен Кинг
художественный дискурс
Stephen King
fiction discourse
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