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Linguistic Typing of Ethno-Marked Symbols in Creolized Text of the British Television Drama
Anna Mikhaylovna Gorokhova
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
August 31, 2022
The undertaken study aims to map the dominants of the British linguistic society based on the analysis of ethno-marked symbols in the structure of the creolized text of an authentic British television drama. The article provides examples of planetary-molecular modelling of the British national character. The linguistic and cultural potential of the creolized text and ethno-representative symbolization is specified. The linguo-conceptological fields corresponding to the components of “Englishness” are classified. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the cartographic approach to the presentation of the data obtained on the basis of the interpretation of the actual language layer, and the ascertainment of a correlation between the current projection of the British national identity and its static samples in diachrony. The results obtained allow us to develop a mental-associative map of the British national character based on creolized language patterns; to fix the relationship between the index of the quantitative representation of ethno-marked symbols and the level of the ethno-axiological potential of the dominants denoted by them in the context of the British linguo-society in wide and current-time perspectives.
Key words and phrases:
национальная идентичность
креолизованный текст
британский национальный характер
national identity
creolized text
British national character
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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