Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Dialexemes in the Mirror of Translation (by the Example of the English and Russian Languages)

Elena Sergeevna Aleksandrova
Volgograd State University

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Sytina
Volgograd State University

Submitted: November 30, 2022
Abstract. The paper deals with a category of words (dialexemes) that represents a difficulty in translating as they may generate a false association in the native language, resulting in translation mistakes. The paper determines the types of dialexemes in English news reports and the methods of their translation into Russian. The aim of the research is to identify translation specificities of dialexemes. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study of 95 dialexemes revealed that 60 lexical units were completely false (different in semantics from a Russian incorrect translation), 35 words were partially false (phonetically, graphically and semantically identical to a Russian word in one of its meanings); the main methods of translating dialexemes were analysed. The research findings have shown that the most frequently used method of translating dialexemes into Russian is the choice of equivalent due to the polysemy of most English words. Nevertheless, when the equivalent does not fully reflect the meaning of the original word in the specific context, a number of translation transformations (analogue selection, grammatical replacement, omission, addition, specialisation, generalisation, and modulation) are used.
Key words and phrases:
сходство фонетической и орфографической форм
выбор эквивалента
способы перевода
ошибки в переводе
phonetic and spelling similarity
choice of equivalent
translation methods
translation mistakes
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