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Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach’s Prose in the Newspapers of the Russian Empire at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries: Translation Reception
Yulia Sergeevna Seryagina
Tomsk State University
December 30, 2022
The aim of the study is to identify the features of the translation reception of the Austrian writer Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (Marie Freifrau Ebner von Eschenbach; née Dubský, 1830-1916) in the pre-revolutionary regional periodicals of the Russian Empire. The author analyses the bibliography of the Austrian writer’s works in the newspapers “Kievlyanin”, “Yuzhnoe obozrenie”, “Sibirskii listok”, “Sibirskaya zhizn”, “Yuzhnyi krai” and “Yuzhnyi telegraf”, translation strategies of local translators and motives for choosing works for publication. Scientific originality of the study lies in introducing into scientific use Russian translations of Ebner-Eschenbach’s works made specifically for the regional press, as well as in discovering new personalities whose efforts formed the local literary environment of various regions of the Russian Empire among writers, translators and publicists. As a result, it has been found that the format of short parables with ironic, philosophical and everyday themes made Ebner-Eschenbach’s works suitable for publication in the newspapers and for the readers’ perception. Regional periodicals strive to keep up with central periodicals, publishing novelties of modern world literature in their own translations, thereby creating a unique sociocultural and literary local space. Foreign literature serves not only as a means for cross-cultural transfer, but also for the realisation of the creative potential of local writers and translators. The works of the Austrian writer published in the newspapers can still become interesting and relevant easy-to-read material today.
Key words and phrases:
Мария фон Эбнер-Эшенбах
переводческая рецепция
австрийская литература
региональная периодика
Российская империя
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
translation reception
Austrian literature
regional periodicals
Russian Empire
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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