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Calquing as a Mechanism of Linguistic Image Creation
Elena Viktorovna Senko
North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz
December 30, 2022
The paper deals with the phenomenon of a linguistic image. The work summarises the theoretical approaches to understanding the scope and content of the notion of “linguistic image” known to modern linguistics. It is argued that the set of mechanisms for creating linguistic images does not vary greatly in research papers. The author proposes to expand the existing list of tools for constructing a linguistic image with the addition of such a lexical way as the process of calquing. The aim of the study is to provide a structural-semantic description of the linguistic means of calquing representing the linguistic image of modern politics. It is stated that the linguocreativity of the latter is manifested in broad paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of calques in the receiving language, as well as in the active manifestation of their derivational abilities in the recipient language. Thus, the study is novel in that it is the first to consider calquing as a lexical mechanism for creating linguistic images. The study findings have shown that calques being a result of linguocultural influence in the conditions of interethnic communication can be deemed one of the linguocreative symbols of the modern linguistic worldview.
Key words and phrases:
языковой образ
linguistic image
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