Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 12
COLLECTION:    Theory of Language

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Precedence in Ironic Fiction Discourse: A Functional and Pragmatic Aspect

Anna Vladimirovna Kuznetsova
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Submitted: December 30, 2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the functional and pragmatic features of precedence implementation in ironic fiction discourse. The paper examines multilevel correlations of precedence and irony, which make it possible to identify markers of ironic context and ironic implicatures in fiction discourse contributing to the implementation of the author’s intentions in fiction communication and allowing the addressee to interpret correctly the ironic communication of characters and the author’s ironic assessment. Scientific novelty of the research lies in substantiating the mutual influence of irony and precedence in the production of fiction discourse manifesting not only individually significant and nationally conditioned meanings but also universal meanings. The research findings prove that precedent phenomena can act as markers of ironic context in fiction discourse. The ironic meaning is always implicit, but it must be interpreted by the addressee in accordance with the author’s intention. Precedence and irony in E. L. Schwartz’s play “The Dragon” form a complex synthesis that determines the “completion” of meanings of the discursive space in the process of receptive and interpretative activity of the addressee and the implementation of fiction communication as a dialogue between the author and the reader (viewer): irony cannot be decoded by the addressee without the correct “recognition” of precedent phenomena that act as its markers.
Key words and phrases:
иронический контекст
художественный дискурс
авторская интенция
ironic context
fiction discourse
author’s intention
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