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Socio-Psychological Portraits of a Terrorist and a Revolutionary in K. G. Paustovsky’s Creative Work
Irina Anatolyevna Galyas
Sevastopol State University
Zhanetta Anatolyevna Rudenko
Sevastopol State University
January 31, 2023
The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the individual style of the Russian Soviet writer K. G. Paustovsky in the process of creating socio-psychological portraits of his contemporaries, real historical figures, i.e. the personality of an intellectual, revolutionary P. Schmidt and his antipode, a terrorist D. Bagrov, whose assessments in history are still controversial. K. G. Paustovsky’s documentary fiction, the novellas “Distant Years”, “Restless Youth”, “The Beginning of an Unknown Century”, “The Black Sea”, a collection of short stories “Throw to the South” served as the study material. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in its authors’ attempt to identify the psychological techniques and language markers that help the writer reconstruct the images of his contemporaries, the revolutionary P. Schmidt and his terrorist antipode D. Bagrov, on the basis of K. G. Paustovsky’s documentary fiction, to comprehend and evaluate their place and role in Russian history. As a result of the study, it has been proved that in order to recreate P. Schmidt’s and D. Bagrov’s portraits, K. G. Paustovsky uses the artistic figurative-expressive power of describing minor details of their appearance, communication style, gestures, speech, helping the reader to get insight into the emotional experiences, feelings and desires of his heroes and antiheroes, to reveal their moral and immoral social essence, to define the author’s sympathies and antipathies towards them.
Key words and phrases:
революционер П. Шмидт
террорист Д. Багров
социально-психологический портрет
портретная деталь
revolutionary P. Schmidt
terrorist D. Bagrov
socio-psychological portrait
portrait detail
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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