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The Teen Problem of Maturation in the Story “When We Are Left Alone” by T. Mikheeva
Olga Svyatoslavovna Oktyabrskaya
Lomonosov Moscow State University
February 28, 2023
This article is devoted to the specifics of understanding the topic of maturation in modern prose. The aim of the study is to identify the originality and features of the process of adolescent’s maturation in the story of one of the iconic writers of our time - T. V. Mikheeva. The scientific novelty of the study is due to this topic crudity in modern literary criticism and the importance of the problem of child’s and adolescent’s maturation in contemporary Russian literature. The article shows the main stages of the main character’s maturation at the personal, social and family levels: maximalist rejection of the ongoing changes, rebellious challenge to the family and society, voluntary loneliness and isolation for independent understanding of the problem, search for a way out of the current situation. Complex processes of a gradual exit from the child’s illusory and conflict-free world and movement towards youthful entry into adulthood, full of problems and contradictions, are revealed. At the same time, the change in behaviour, character and outlook on life is traced not only in the image of the main character, but also in other characters of the story, both adolescents and adults. The main moral priorities of the characters and the author are indicated - a family, held together by love and respect of its members for each other. The results obtained showed the significance of the stated problem, which made it possible to analyse the heroine’s initiatory path to a new stage of life and to identify “growing pains” typical of an adolescent.
Key words and phrases:
подростковая литература
процесс социализации
мотив любви
семейные проблемы
подростковый бунт
adolescent’s literature
socialization process
motive of love
family problems
teenage rebellion
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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