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Deviations from the Language Norm: Linguo-Ecological Aspect (by the Material of the German-Language Microblog)
Tatiana Ivanovna Kolesnik
Luhansk State Pedagogical University
March 31, 2023
The aim of the study is an analytical review of deviations from the language norm in German-language Internet communication based on the texts of the Twitter microblog. The rapid exchange of information with the simultaneous minimization of speech efforts, as well as the self-expression of communicants through the author’s word creation often entail deviations from the language norm. In the course of the study, the author identifies the main types of deviations at various language levels: phonographic, morphophonemic, orthographic, grammatical-syntactic and lexical. The article analyses the causes of deviant phenomena, as well as the features of their functioning. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time it uses a linguo-ecological approach to the study of language deviations in Internet communication, which allows us to assess the nature and extent of their impact on language development. The obtained results showed that the German microblog is dominated by a tendency to simplify the language, save speech efforts, intentional and unintentional violation of the language norm, which indicates the analytical vector of the German language development at the present stage.
Key words and phrases:
языковые девиации
language deviations
Internet communication
linguistic ecology
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