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Range of Problems and Poetics of the Novella "Man and Stone" by A. Teppeev
Alena Mustafaevna Sarbasheva
The Institute for the Humanities Research - Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik
March 31, 2023
The aim of the research is to identify the peculiarities of the range of problems and poetics of the novella "Man and Stone" by one of the brightest representatives of the Balkarian literature of the second half of the XX - early XXI century Alim Teppeev (1937-2010). It is the first time in national literary studies that an attempt to explore this work from the specified perspective has been made, which accounts for the scientific originality of the paper. As a result of the research, the range of priority problems has been de-termined, the specifics of the conflict, the ideological-artistic singularity of the novella have been revealed. In the course of the analysis, the spiritual-moral and humanistic ranges of problems, which are subjected to an innovative interpretation by the author, are noted as the key ones. Among the problems actualised in the narrative, the problems of the spiritual opposition of "fathers and sons" and sacrifice / willingness to sacrifice have been determined. The ideological confrontation between the representatives of the older and younger generations has been considered as the basis of the main conflict line of the novella. The research has also revealed the artistic means for embodying the main idea of the work, has determined the significant role of details-symbols in the reference of the main characters’ images. The paper provides an opportunity to greatly expand the understanding of the creative personality of the writer.
Key words and phrases:
А. Теппеев
A. Teppeev
range of problems
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