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Rhyme in Adyghe Versification: The Specifics of “Double Rhyming” and the Development of End Rhyme
Lyudmila Borisovna Khavzhokova
Institute for the Humanities Research - affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik
March 31, 2023
The paper explores the insufficiently studied aspects of the Adyghe versification system using the example of one of its areas and a significant component of a verse, i.e. rhyme. The research aims to trace the evolution of rhyme in Adyghe literary works and identify the specifics of its functioning in oral and poetic compositions and the modern written verse. In national literary studies, rhyme has not become the subject of special consideration, which is why it is necessary to address the stated topic. The research is novel in that it is the first to examine rhyme in Adyghe (Kabardian, Circassian) poetry in its evolutionary dynamics. The process of transition from folk (folklore) rhyme to European (end) rhyme is traced in the general context of the transformation of traditional tonic versification and the development of the innovative syllabic-tonic system. As a result of the research, the specifics of folklore rhyme and end rhyme, as well as “double rhyming” have been determined, the main varieties of rhymes and their variations in the works of Adyghe poets have been identified. The research findings confirm the relevance of the research topic, demonstrate the uniqueness of rhyme in the Adyghe verse and determine the prospects for further research.
Key words and phrases:
адыгская поэзия
двойное рифмование
Adyghe poetry
double rhyming
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